Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Jewelcrafting - Selling Cuts

Before I start explaining how I work the JC industry, I just wanted to thank all of you readers and subscribers so far... without you guys I'd probably lose interest in blogging very quickly. I don't really know, but there just seems to be something exciting about seeing your reader number climb from 0 to 9 (haha.. I know that's still a low number... so subscribe!). I'd love to hear more from you guys (whether it be complaints, questions, or criticism), so leave me a comment or send me an email!

I'm sure some of you are curious as to how I make money with JC. The answer is - I sell cuts. Which cuts you ask? Almost every single cut.

Epic Quality Gems

I have two characters listing epic gems. Yes, you heard me! I have two characters named ALPHA and BETA. With ALPHA, I list one of every single RED, YELLOW, AND BLUE cut on the AH for 48 Hours and a price of 290G. Normally, cut gems for these colours go anywhere from 180G to 250G. On BETA, I list/undercut one of every single epic gem cut using QuickAuctions3. For BETA, I only use the 12 hour deposit because I KNOW that on my server that I will be undercut before I reach 24 hours, so I never bother with anything over 12 hours. There are several reason why I even bother listing with ALPHA listed below:

1. This helps me set a "threshold" for people to undercut from and helps me keep the market value high.
2. Using a different character will arouse less suspicion. If I listed [Delicate Cardinal Ruby] on BETA for 180G and 290G, people will know that that the 290G is a jacked up price. So, having ALPHA list helps disguise the fact that the item is over priced.
3. It feels hella awesome when the ones I list at a markup actually sell. It feels good when you just sold a gem for 290G when the uncut gem is going for 170G. Easy 120G profit.
4. Believe it or not, but people actually buy the 290G gem even when there are OTHER GEMS on the AH for cheaper. I could never quite understand this, but its not even an addon issue. I'm talking about cases where there are only 3 [Delicate Cardinal Ruby] on the AH, two of them selling for 220G and mine selling for 290G and some guy comes in and buys mine. It always give me a good chuckle while I relist another for 290G.

Epic gems sell well almost all of the time, usually best on Tuesdays-Thursdays. However, I've run into some crazy weekends where I've sold more epic cuts on a Sunday than Tuesday-Thursday combined.

Rare Quality Gems

Many people have forgotten about this market, but it is still a VERY profitable market. I profit around 10G-45G for these cuts. These sell best on Sat/Sun due to people leveling and gear up their alts. For these, I post 1 of each for 24 Hrs.

Meta Gems - This market is avoided by a lot of people. I used to avoid it too... until I found a transmute master to make me a couple stacks of each meta gem. These sold very well at the beginning of the last patch, but now the demand for them have dropped. I list these at 12 Hr intervals.

Green Quality Gems

This market really really surprises me sometimes. Green gems are worth about 1.3G-2G on my server. I sell non-perfect cuts like [Delicate Bloodstone] for 8 G and the perfect cuts [Perfect Delicate Bloodstone] for 15G. I only sell RED, YELLOW, and ORANGE gems for these. The others are rarely used and are not worth my time collecting out of the mail and relisting. For green quality gems, I post them at 48Hrs, since the competition is so low that I can expect not to be undercut for them.

Jewelcrafting Epics

This market is nearly dead, however, I still manage to sell crafted epics for 450G+ above their material price. I list these at 48 Hr intervals since competition is even lower than the green quality gems.

That pretty much wraps it up in terms of what I sell. I will be doing a post soon on my statistics for each cut to help you guys get a good idea of which cuts are worth getting first.



  1. I think I know who you are

  2. Should be pretty obvious if you are on my server XD



  4. Great blog! Looking forward to your next post on which gems to focus on :)
