Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Week XXX

So.. I don't even know what week it is anymore :P

All I know is I gave away 50K and made back 40 K since I last posted, so thats put me back at 590K. I have minimal interest in WoW at the moment, which explains my slow ass updating >_> Also got myself a part time job and a full time job... so I'm juggling two jobs and a whole bunch of other stuff right now. (I'm still playing Diablo 2)


Instead of spoon feeding you step by step procedures on how to make gold, I have decided to start on a series of posts that will give more general information.

I'll start making a list of the topics right now and edit as I think of more stuff.

I. Knowledge is Power... In most cases
II. Using Resources
III. I Farmed It!
IV. Farming / Grinding
V. Doing Dailies Daily
VI. Auction House Tips
VII. Chinese Gold Farmers
VIII. Auction House PVP

Stay tuned for these posts! I guarantee you they will be helpful! (Yes, I will be updating more often now)

- Munie

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